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Meditation on a Spinach Pie

Meditation on a Spinach Pie

Many of us have similar tales to tell. There must be countless adults around the globe who hate spinach. Why? Well when they were at kindergarten or nursery the assistants provided hot dinners at lunch time. One of the regular vegetables was overcooked dark green glug, called spinach. It was enough to put you off spinach for life!

When I have gone to beginners courses in meditation where newcomers  chant the ‘OM’, many have said privately, in hushed tones so as no other soul might hear, that it drove them completely NUTS! It either bored them to tears, or drove their anxiety levels up devising the fastest possible escape route!

Ironically both the ‘OM’ and ‘spinach’ have been around for ages, and both have been proven to be beneficial for us.

More than five religions revere the ‘OM’ and its spiritual and healing powers. Spinach on the other hand in the West was made famous by ‘Popeye’, the once popular cartoon character. Anytime he was trapped by ‘Brutis’ his arch enemy he would crack open a can of spinach, swallow the lot, turn into a super hero and save ‘Olive Oyel’ his damsel in distress!

Why Eat Spinach?

But it’s not all Hollywood cartoons. Spinach is a real-life super food. When properly sourced it can contain calcium, folic acid, vitamin K and iron, as well as being rich in vitamin c, fibre, caretenoids, lutein and bioflavinoids. Amongst other things these components can help keep your bones strong and assist in controlling cancer, especially colon, lung and breast cancer. The folates can reduce homocysteine, a protein that can harm blood vessels. The flavenoids can help your memory, whilst lutein can help prevent cataracts. Why use ‘OM’?

See Also

Let me tell you what I experienced after my first lesson in meditation. The bricks on my shoulders I never knew I had were lifted, I walked upright. All the years of accumulated stress left me. I only knew the bricks lifted after they had gone. Its funny how you make do in this world and just ignore the stresses, whilst it gets stored up daily and you just carry on regardless. I felt happier, people noticed I was smiling  and humming often.

And I hadn’t gone to live in a cave in the Himalayas. No, I was darting about, living the fast life in Sydney, Australia, working long hours – and far from being burnt out by it, I enjoyed it!

The benefits of ‘OM’ are numerous, in fact we at Silence of Music have documented over 200 pages of benefits ranging from helping to alleviate  insomnia, depression, ADD, ADHD, hyperactivity, as well as assisting in improving difficult behaviour, reduction of physical and emotional pain, dementia, alzhemiers and much more. If you would like a free copy please read the ‘5 Top Tips’ below.

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