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Oracle for June: Encouragement

Oracle for June: Encouragement

by Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of June evolve around encouraging yourself and others along the way of your life.

(for the full article and multimedia experience, click here:  OM-Times June 2010 Edition)

The intensity of the previous months and the transitions we have all been encountering provide us with much food for thought lately and it is time for a little encouragement along our journey and June is just the time for that.

So much of our time on the spiritual path is full of processing and clearing and reforming and dealing with one thing after another and we do not spend as much time as we could encouraging ourselves by appreciating all our hard work every day, every encounter, every time we face our fear and do it anyway, every time we get off balance and balance ourselves or get off into the future or past, and bring our selves back to the present moment.  These are our processes for the new realities that are arising at this time and it is important that we do appreciate all that we have accomplished and have yet to accomplish.

So, with June busting out all over (oh no, did I really say thatJ?) and our Summer Solstice almost upon us and, if you didn’t know, I’ve heard the “cosmic breeze” hits this summer as the “cosmic convergence” approaches, therefore, we need to spend some time in en-joy-ment, celebrating our progress and celebrating who we are and how far we have come in these times.  To acknowledge, really, the levels we have come to each in our own way.  This is something that when we feel it in our hearts, this appreciation for our work, our spirit guides, angels, teachers, ascended masters and unseen helpers expand that heartfelt experience and provide us with more opportunities to be encouraged in our journey.  In June, there is much for us to feel and to keep and bring those feelings of gratitude, appreciation and encouragement with us as we move into expanded transformations later this year.

See Also

So, take a light approach to the month of June.  Free up your spirit to allow yourself to not take things so seriously.  Laugh at yourself and others, the joy of shared laughter is such a healing energy and one each of us can connect with purposefully.

I understand that astrologically, June is a pivotal month.  Events will be sparked from the movement of the planets within this seven year which usher in yet more change and you have certainly noticed the acceleration of the time-space continuum and if you get an opportunity, be sure to tell older folks that everyone feels the speeding up of time, it is NOT because you are getting old.  Enjoy every moment, things are zooming.

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