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Oracle for June: Encouragement

Oracle for June: Encouragement

In the process of encouraging yourself and others to relax, to be patient with what is, to bring yourself back to the present moment to remain sane, know that there are such larger energy and issues expanding and opening which are blowing in the winds of change.  So many folks do not have someone to encourage them, please make it your mission this month to encourage others to deal with their past issues, to stay present, to “Be Here Now” as Ram Dass said so many years ago.

So focus this month, reinforce your belief in yourself and your ability to change and heal and to share this change and healing with others.  Look at the old fears and obsessions and see how they are losing strength because of your inner encouragement, your inner confidence.  This is the month to understand that you can do whatever is required to heal yourself, your life situation and whatever it is that makes you feel threatened or in any way unsure of who you are or what it is you desire to express.  So, persevere in your efforts to grow spiritually as you transform yourself and your world.

Let your mantra for this month be:  I AM so happy to be me, doing what I do, when I do it.  I AM wonderful…And So It Is!!!

There is Much Love For You Here In the Lotus World <333,

See Also
feeling energy OMTimes


Note: Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at  If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s Daily Oracles, just go to and send an email, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. © 2010 Darity Wesley All Rights Reserved.

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