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White Buffalo Woman

White Buffalo Woman

by Onefeather

She went into the woods with
three strips of silver rawhide thirty inches long,
from a barren doe killed to feed her people

There she found feathers from
the snowy owl,
Messenger from the west.

These things she braided
into her hair, by light of the
full moon.

She sought to understand her womanhood,
The mystery in the night
from which all life springs.

She drank sweet water
that sprang up from the earth

And sang songs to Orion… place of origin.
As the moon grew near the western horizon

With first light on the eastern treetops
Her spirit was carried into the
darkness from which all life springs

See Also

And a voice enfolded her
A voice in many tongues caressed her soul.
It gave her the secret of that which was within her

“Life springs to light in response to love.
Love is that from which you come
and to which you return.

You are the vessel
once filled and flowing

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