Blue Ray Healing – Incoming Energies for July 2010
Have you been feeling the shifts, had days of nausea, dizziness and almost flu like symptoms? Then you are one of the many that are sensing the increased energies pouring to Earth. These same energies will continue through the month of July.
(for the full article and multimedia experience, click here: OM-Times July 2010 Edition)
Last month was huge for energy shifts, what with the solar flares that started June 12th and 13th as anticipated, to the planetary alignments, summer solstice and eclipse on the full moon. Even those who are not in tune with what is happening on our beautiful planet felt a knowing that something was occurring. There are many that are just beginning to awaken after the jolts of the past month. They are now searching for answers as to what it is they are feeling.
It appears that sleeping indigos and others have heard the wakeup call into service. It seems that the crystal children that have been born over the past years are not getting the support necessary for them to evolve to their highest potential. So it is that many more established sleepers are being activated to move into the roles to support and assist the raising of the vibrations on Earth.
If you are one of the newly awakened and are seeking answers, one of the ways to connect with these energies is to look into studying one of the many energy healing modalities. I speak from experience when I say that things really start to shift once connected in such a way.
To assist your earthly bodies assimilate the higher energies stay hydrated drink the purest of water available. Eat that which is high in iron, such as spinach, dates, beans as this will help you adjust to the changing geomagnetic forces.
Some of you may be familiar with the term “grounding your energies” It will be for your benefit to create a way for you to connect with the Mother Earth energies in some manner. Below is a video to assist “The young ones” which refers to those newly awakened.
All of the above information is to assist you to move forward and enter a new state of consciousness. Humanity is on the doorstep of a huge evolutionary shift, that of mankind and our Earth Mother. The channeled image for this month shows us approaching an Arcturian stargate which we will pass through on our journey to the fifth dimension.
For those of you that are further upon their journey, the following is a very powerful affirmation: “I allow, I embrace, transformation, I allow, I embrace change, be it for my highest and greatest good and the highest and greatest good of all. Try to stay balanced with the incoming energies, rest when you feel the need. Allow the flow to run through your body as a conduit of Divine energy anchoring these higher vibrations to Mother Earth.
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