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Spurred to Action

Spurred to Action

When attempting to explain why this may have occurred Antonio stated,   “A corporation has a legal obligation to bring a profit to its share holders.”   Although many may not understand the workings behind the unions that protect them Antonio made it clear, “The union in question operates as a corporation”

It easy to understand now how the union is reported to be making over 50 million dollars annually.  It is stories like this that are the reason that the Ontario Framers Association was founded.  “We want to be used as a tool” Antonio explained.

The Association also believes in sharing information for the mutual benefit of the members. This is why Antonio has spent the last three years educating himself and the members of the framers Association who now know the union’s constitutions and collective agreement inside and out.  He wants to help the members that may not have the resources to be so informed. He goes personally to every union meeting so he can stand with his fellow members and provides himself as a tool, so that they will feel more confident and has someone there with them that know the union’s responsibilities.  Three years has him well versed in the issues that concern the workers and their families, he knows what to say and what questions to ask to get the results you are looking for and are more than likely entitled to as a member of such union.

The Ontario Framers Association is registered as a non-profit corporation that is run without the purpose to gain for its members, and any profit to the corporation shall be used in promoting its objects. They also wish to provide refresher or training programs with the aim of updating members’ skills and knowledge of the framers profession and they promote the maintenance and improvement of qualifications and standards of the framers profession. By starting this association it is giving the members of the union a place to go to get the help, support and guidance that we all sometimes need. This is a perfect example of how Antonio Alves was witness to something that he knew in his heart to be deeply wrong, and instead of just complaining about it, he is now living everyday of his life in aims of trying to make it better.

See Also

For the courage of standing up for what he believes in we provide this information to you the reader as a salute to one who stood up to a system that he saw was not working.  The union has not been contacted for comment although since my first meeting with Antonio Alves I have been informed that some members of the executive board have been investigated and charges lay surrounding these issues the misappropriation of funds being listed among the charges.   For more information about the Ontario Framers Association visit:

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