We are Born to be One
by Lucien Clausse
It is now time for all of us to come home to our spiritual self and truly understand who and what we really are there by reconnecting with the universe.
(for the full article and multimedia experience, click here: OM-Times July 2010 Edition)
It is time for us to look, see and walk our true path. To regain our power, raise our level of understanding. There by becoming one, in body, mind and spirit.
The moment has come to let go of what was or is failures, sufferings and traumas. There by allowing our spirit to move forward in the here and know. A time of wholeness.
A time of hope, a time of change
I believe that the human race is awakening to a new beginning. I sense that it is slowly but surely becoming aware of its true nature, which of course is spiritual. Human beings may not yet be fully aware or even understand the full meaning of their true nature, there is however a process of change within.
It is awakening within them, touching their heart and making them aware of new emotions and feelings, creating unity with self, there by opening doors to a new foundation for life and living.
Yes a time of change is coming, we can see it everywhere….newspapers, television, internet and some times in the faces of people we meet or talk to. Is it a new beginning or is it the fatality that everyone is expecting. Everyone seems to be talking about a great change that is in the making or coming. Some talk about a new dimension, others talk about ascension and there are even those that talk about the destruction of Mother Earth itself.
Yes I do believe that there is a great change coming, but what exactly is it and when will it begin?
We are at the cross roads of a new consciousness, an awakening of sorts. We are being told that the time has come for us to raise our level of consciousness and focusing on and communicating trough the energies of Light and Love, thus allowing the shift to happen.
There is one element that people in general will have to deal with and that is the fear factor. For fear, stops people from growing and moving into their true spiritual nature, thus not allowing for oneness. I can fully understand that when people are at their most fearful or the point of highest stress and anxiety it is difficult for them to acknowledge change of any kind.
For change it is stressful. So we either calm people and support them in their change or wait till they feel ready. There are some that would say, we just have to leave them behind. This to me seems tainted by ego or something of that nature, for I could not and would not understand an ultimate energy of Love that would leave some behind because they don’t seem comfortable with change; if that were the case, than not one single earth spirit could grow. For all of us have in our life time experienced fear in one form or another.

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