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Year in Review – Toronto Pictures

Year in Review – Toronto Pictures

Our CAUSE is driven by high ideals and it is more important than anyone of us.

It is a new world; it is time for a new morality! It is time to put the important things first. We are working for our CAUSE through the medium of film because we are filmmakers. Film is our way of expressing ourselves and we take into consideration the fact that our films will live on after us: they will become our legacy.

OM-Times: How can our readers reach you?

Daria Trifu: They are welcome to Sign-up and become members of our Community Website which is also a social network. Right now, we have over 2,200 members, people from around the world who identify with our CAUSE and support what we do. Our members come from all walks of life: artists, film and media executives, business men and women, politicians, entrepreneurs and, of course, talent. Many of the talent is being cast to play roles in our upcoming films. Signing-up is free and it only takes a couple of minutes. Once there, they will be able to read everything about us, view clips from our films and receive periodic updates from us directly. They are also welcome to contact us by e-mail.

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