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Celebrating Fertility in All Areas of Life

Celebrating Fertility in All Areas of Life

Fertile Living Coach Elisabeth Manning discusses fertility secrets and “Conscious Conception.”

By Dawn Allcot



Every coach loves to hear a success story from one of their clients. On July 14, 2010, Fertility Coach Elisabeth Manning of got to celebrate a truly miraculous success when Heather McLellan gave birth to little Elisabeth Rose.

The miracle baby, conceived naturally after several years of fertility struggles including five miscarriages, wasn’t directly named after Elisabeth, as Heather had picked out the name years before. But, in its love for synchronicity, the Universe connected McLellan and Manning to help bring young Elisabeth Rose into this world. The child’s middle name, though, was inspired by Manning and confirmed a meditation called BabySpirit where Manning gave her “thumbs up.”

“The first day Heather and I ‘met’ on the phone, I was just returning from picking roses from the garden,” Manning recalls. “Heather had said they were her favorite flower and I added they also hold the highest vibration of all the flowers on the planet. She told me this always resonated with her and took it as a good sign that she had called me.”

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“A Higher Vibration for Conception” Manning’s BabySpirit Meditations, offered on the first Sunday of every month in live teleseminars, or in one-on-one private coaching sessions, are designed help women — as well as their partners — achieve a harmonic resonance with Mother Nature. “We want to be a vibrational match to that which we are calling in, which means to create life we must be vital with life force already inside us. As above, so below,” Elisabeth maintains. “This means finding places where we are out of balance or pinching ourselves off from Source so we can restore flow and fullness of life again. Nature has an incredible way of telling us things.”

As a fertility coach and through her BabySpirit Meditations, Elisabeth has helped hundreds of women prepare themselves to conceive and to have a successful conception — often without in vitro fertilization (IVF) or other medical interventions, and sometimes as a supplement to medically-assisted conception to help the implanted embryos develop into healthy babies. She also offers a simple program to fertility clinics who seek her out for this empowering fertile living approach.

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