Celebrating Fertility in All Areas of Life
Manning also helps moms-to-be grow spiritually closer to the embryo or fetus — the life — that is already blossoming inside them. “What goes into the mom also goes into the baby, so what a wonderful gift to give the child, to consciously connect and bond with it early on. This can foster a great level of mindfulness that benefits the art of parenting in the future,” Elisabeth says.
During BabySpirit Meditation–which welcomes fathers-to-be at no extra cost–in order to help them become more connected to themselves, their partner and the baby’s spirit, Manning walks listeners through a 45-minute meditation designed to take them to a higher vibrational plane. “Medical research has shown meditation can increase circulation, reduce inflammation, balance hormones to enhance fertility and reduce harmful cortisol levels caused by stress,” Manning explains.
BabySpirit Meditation can accomplish all this, which, for some women, will work alone to help them to conceive. But Manning calls BabySpirit Meditation more than meditation, describing it as a “profound healing journey.”
She says, “The meditation works at the subconscious level to release old energies stored in the cells/DNA that no longer serve you and have been blocking your progress and replaces it with vital life force to ‘activate’ the health of the cells, open the heart, and clear the mind. It is unique for every person. Some people choose to just sit back and enjoy the feeling of simply being in the present moment, which is extremely important when you are about to become a parent.”
The BabySpirit Experience As a client of Elisabeth’s, I’ve experienced three separate BabySpirit Meditations; each brought me closer to two children that are in my future. In the “visions” that appear during the meditations as my vibrational energy becomes matched to the BabySpirit beings, a boy and girl appear either in a green field or on a beach. The first time, both children were ushered into the “scene,” by my father, who passed away when I was 12.
Sometimes, the children are joined by their sister, my two-year-old daughter, but she appears older in my visions. The children play together and interact — usually on bicycles, which is a family hobby. While the young boy hasn’t communicated with me at all, the little girl has. She sends message that I “sense” — not in words, but in emotions, almost an empathic communication.

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