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Oracle for August – Oneness

Oracle for August – Oneness

by Darity Wesley


The energies and directions evolving around the month of August are all about stepping into our true selves, becoming authentic and being in our essence, joining in Oneness.

The Conscious Convergence that began last month, July 17-18, 2010, produced a global commitment from those who were made aware, to intend unity consciousness on this planet.  These energies continue, so hold the intention firmly as, according to Carl Johan Calleman, (  author of The Mayan Calendar and the Evolution of Consciousness, this lasts through November 10, 2010 and beyond as the Nine waves, the final waves of energy from the beginning of time culminate next year, according to the Mayan calendar.  Eckhart Tolle, one of my favorite spiritual teachers, most recent book, Oneness with All Life, is another energetic force out there to help bring us to the new level of spiritual and conscious understanding of all the forces at play in the universe.

See Also
Intention Setting

As we have seen over these recent months, the abyss is growing.  It seems we know something that others are unable to know.  The split is apparent everywhere I go.  Sometimes I feel like a stranger in a strange land, and by the way, if you haven’t read the book by that name written by Robert Heinlein, I highly recommend it. And, I read recently from Lauren Gorgo ( “its only that they are not yet prepared on a soul level to activate to these higher-level frequencies. The reason for this disparateness is as we have explained over the passing years…that there is a group of souls here to usher in the era of peace…to anchor the pillars, and in doing so, make the coming world possible for all to experience.

So, as some folks struggle to find out, to awaken, even to understand what all this “oneness” “unity consciousness” is.  It is not that we all want to be alike, or think alike or to be the  same – Oneness is not sameness.  I remember as a young woman in my church, a Baptist church, where they were debunking all the other religions and belief systems and the teacher spoke of a religion called Pantheism and said this was a religion where people believed God was a tree and worshipped the tree  – “Oh no,” says I “how can anyone believe that – God, himself, is up in the sky in heaven.”  In other words, I believed and was taught that God is separate from us and, of course, he was a him.  In ancient times, prior to the division, prior to the “Tree of Good and Evil,” the advent of Duality (us versus them) was a religion which was connected to nature.  I was told, lo those many years ago, that there were people who believed we were all one – “all sparks of the same flame” – and that was just wrong, not only was it wrong, it was evil and not only evil but blasphemous (I guess they felt it denied God in some way) but I, personally, could not, at 16 years of age (which was a long time ago), comprehend anyone believing that – and now?  I do.  I have grown, not only in years but in understanding of the uniqueness of All That Is, that there is a divine plan, and the interconnectedness of all things which leads me to now know that we are, indeed, all sparks from the same flame, different expressions of the God energy.

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