The Astrosage – August
Looking at the Heavenly Climate for August 2010…
“All attraction is increased by the approach of the attracting body. We never find ourselves so desirous to finish as in the latter part of our work, or so impatient of delay as when we know that delay cannot be long. This unseasonable importunity of discontent may be partly imputed to languor and weariness, which must always oppress those more whose toil has been longer continued; but the greater part usually proceeds from frequent contemplation of that ease which is now considered as within reach, and which, when it has once flattered our hopes, we cannot suffer to be withheld.” ~Samuel Johnson: Rambler #207 (March 10, 1752)~
Greetings Pilgrims!
August enters with a series of final confrontations between Planetary powers that have plagued the heavens for over a year… the Grand Square that has been filled out or randomly activated by the movement of the Celestial orbs as they do their heavenly dance. The tension between slow moving Saturn in square to Pluto and opposing Uranus and Jupiter will finally come to resolution under the optimistic influence of Sol’s journey through the House of the Lion… to the delight of all!
Influences on July 31st begins the arrival of August with a bolt of energy being delivered to the seat of the Ringed One, Saturn, as the Warrior Mars conjuncts it at 0 degrees of Libra… the chela offers prayers of gratitude to the Universe as this union of elements is at a benign position… the 30th degree of Virgo. Completion! The entry of the potentially malefic unified forces have little or no lasting influence! The first 4 days of August unfold with a series of conjunctions, oppositions and squares signifying the final passage of the planets toward the resolution of prevailing challenges. Lord Jupiter in Aries will square Vulcan’s inferno in Capricorn on the 2nd / 3rd and Mars will challenge the Imperial Court of Jupiter on the 4th… in opposition to the will of Jove; stress from past fears is further released! Doors open and the warmth of Leonine Grace shall prevail!
On August 6th faire Venus brings grace to the Hall of the Scales as she enters Libra, a flirtatious wink at Lord Saturn and Mighty Mars in passage… demurely ignoring opposing Jupiter and Uranus while refusing the squaring attention of Pluto. This is a very personal configuration of forces… the Pilgrim is counseled to attend to personal affairs with worthy diligence for the coming months will reflect the efforts one puts forth during these days of inner alignment. Prayers affirmative in nature and meditation on the moment of one’s life will result in transformation and growth. Those who seek outside themselves will miss the experience of “Enlightened Tangency”!

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