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Towards The Unified Cosmology

Towards The Unified Cosmology

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What does this rarified discussion of multiverses have to do with you? Everything! Reality is not only out there, it is also within. We are each a singularity – of consciousness – and a portal to other dimensions of experience. Since cosmic destiny is not fixed, everything we do matters. We’ve known since Einstein’s great revelation of E=mC2 that everything is actually energy. Now, science is about to re-discover how thought affects energy, and so realize our real-time co-creatorship of the world.

Many wisdom traditions have taught that All is One, and intention is as important as knowledge in the quest for truth. Only when both sciences of knowing (inner/outer, wisdom/compassion) converge, is the whole of existence revealed. This ultimate enlightening discovery is objectively scientific, in that it can be duplicated, but personal because it can only be written in the book of the heart.

About the Author

Lonny J. Brown is the author of “Enlightenment In Our Time” (, “Self-Actuated Healing” (Naturegraph, Publ.), and the online column, The Holistic Mystic ( His writings on holistic health have appeared on AOL’s Alternative Medicine Forum and in Alternative Health Practitioner, Yoga Journal, and many other progressive publications. Brown teaches holistic health, mind/body healing, and stress reduction courses at hospitals, schools and businesses throughout the US.

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