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What If?

What If?

by Charlottemarie

In view of all that is happening in the world, we are truly experiencing a time of awakening. As each event catalytically disrupts precious life, our witnessing hearts become seasoned propelling us to live from the experience of the heart and act aligned to the conscience that reveals truth from the core of our knowing.

We were never separated from the source of creation.  It is impossible, we would not exist.  We simply have forgotten. All that is happening is a path of remembering.

There is no difference between an atom and the cosmos other than size.  We are the microcosmic universe…embodiments of cosmic substance in momentum of constant flux and change.  What is going on in the millions of galaxies is happening within.

What If we perceive ourselves as embodiments of energy, rather than identity?

Would we live life differently? Could see each other differently through recognition that I am you?  Ultimately treating all forms of life with a reverence from the pulsing knowingness of our hearts.

Are we ready to experience love in a way never before realized, flowing within the dictates of change fearlessly.  We could experience the community (come in unity) many have been dreaming of for decades.

See Also
intuition OMTimes

What if we perceived the earth as a reciprocal extension of our body’s?  The sky and air as our life giving breath?   The waters as our blood?  Plant life as our lungs?  Could this change the experiential relationship with the life force that exists in all forms to the point where we give gratitude consciously to balance the scale in life… give back energy or love for what we use.  Could our capacity to “take proactive care” actually nurture to abundance beyond expectation as our hearts flourish in the unconditional giving of oneself?

What if we realized we are the creative source of our destiny?  Could we come to a place where we can see fear of change and imprints of energy sourced from the past keep us stuck in repetitious patterns of suffering?  In that paradigm, could we see there is no future?  Can we see when we are seduced by the familiar, we remain trapped?  What if the old saying “History repeats itself” no longer reverberates within collective consciousness?  What if we look in the mirror and intend an empowered choice to end all suffering within oneself?   There would be no history; an awakening would emerge in the co-creative present showing its love in every moment. In that Present, all virtues of kindness, compassion, humility, cooperation would be a natural course of action in thought and deed.

Could it be that relationship and family dynamics will never look the same?  What would happen to what we believed love looks like as opposed to experiencing what love really is?

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