Yin & Yang
by Marsha Cook
“It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.” ~Helen Keller
One of the main objectives of Silver Threads is to awaken the reader to the other side of the coin, to introduce thinking along new lines. In the words of the Author of “Thoughts Become Things,” Mike Dooley, “Life is not what you see, but what you’ve projected. It’s not what you’ve felt, but what you’ve decided. It’s not what you’ve experienced, but how you’ve remembered it. It’s not what you’ve forged, but what you’ve allowed. And it’s not who’s appeared, but who you’ve summoned…” This issue of Silver Threads will take the time to examine each of the above statements which is quite a buffet list, are you ready to taste a little of everything?
What you see is what you get – or not…
The first line in the message”Life is not what you see, but what you’ve projected” addresses your energies and vibrations. Spoken about in Silver Threads many times, life is like a mirror, what you are vibrating energetically is what you will attract. This is also known as the Law of Attraction. Keeping in mind that your vision is an interpretation of your life experiences, what you ‘think’ may simply be a manifestation of your version of the story. What story are you telling yourself; what are you putting forth; what are you projecting? If the path upon which you tread daily seems dark even as you look ahead, it is time to stop and examine your expectations, desires and plans. The guiding light you need to move forward is within you, secreted in the wisdom of your core. With an open heart and mind, radiance will emanate and serve you in all that you choose to feel and do. The positive will attract the positive, the robust will catch the attention of the hearty and joy will draw happiness to you like the nectar of a flower calls to a honey bee. It is up to you to choose.
To touch, to feel…
Speaking of choosing, “It’s not what you’ve felt, but what you’ve decided” comes next. Feelings are a reaction to the happenings of life. If you created a list of happenings on a page that was marked ‘positive’ on one side and ‘negative’ on the other, which column would be longer? More often than not, people will react to something before they have taken the time to think about it. A ‘button’ has been pushed It is a pre-programmed response due to an event that may have taken place so many years earlier that the details cannot be remembered. Yet there is a shadow, a memory known as a ‘dogmatic position.’ From this aspect of thinking, any event that resembles the original will cause you to unconsciously choose the very same reaction time and time again. What would happen to your choices if rather than automatically diving into a trunk filled to the brim with the past, you exercised your ability to remain ‘in the moment?’ Something to think about!

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