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Yin & Yang

Yin & Yang

Imagine that! No accidents, no mistakes, you have placed each person with whom you interact on your path. If there is a soul that has the job of driving you absolutely crazy; a person who seems to make your life miserable, they are there for a big reason. Look past your initial emotions; glance beyond the surface behaviors and reactions and you will discover the reason, the lesson they carry for you. Once you determine the reason for their traveling on your path, you may choose whether they get to remain for a season or a lifetime. Remember, it is not about ‘them’ it is your lesson, it is about you! If you leave a relationship before you have garnered the lesson, another individual with similar, perhaps shoddier behavior patterns will knock on your door. Each time a lesson is missed and a new presenter comes into your life, the challenge becomes bigger, heavier, and darker. Make time to understand the lessons as they come so as not to repeat them. Keep in mind, lessons like diamonds are often multi-faceted.

Time for dessert…

These many pieces of your life pie, served buffet style, arranged here and there on your path, act as lessons, guides, even alarm clocks. The end of the quote not recorded in the opening paragraph, “…until you find what you already have” refers to the fact that all the wisdom you will ever need was with you at the moment of your birth. It is up to you to tap into it. This can be accomplished one step at a time, one message at a time. Begin by awakening your own love, honor and grace. Dwell in a place of respect and dignity; choose your actions and reactions from a place of kindness – in short order you will know what you have, have always had, and life will be transformed. How will you know you have reached a place of Self respect and grace? Whatever it is that you are doing; whomever you are involved with, the feelings will be peaceful, even blissful, and when you take that deep, cleansing breath that I so often mention, on the exhale – you will know.

Life is a mirror, there are always two sides to a coin, at least two aspects to a story; two (or more) opinions in a conversation – Is your vision open and unclouded by yesterday, yesteryear? Do you truly see what is in the moment before you? Have you gone over, released or re-written what was behind you and do you look with joyful anticipation to what lies ahead?

See Also
Spirit Guides

Give yourself the gift of vision!


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