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Bittersweet Chocolate and Baseline Joy

Bittersweet Chocolate and Baseline Joy

by Kanta Bosniak



Once you have established joy as a baseline, eveything is rich and delicious, like bittersweet chocolate. Even a grief process has joy in it. Your head hurts in the morning. Your heart chakra feels heavy. Tears flow at the drop of Once you have established joy as a baseline, eveything is rich and delicious, like bittersweet chocolate. Even a grief process has joy in it. Your head hurts in the morning. Your heart chakra feels heavy. Tears flow at the drop of a hat…and life is still beautiful, fun and fulfilling.

You work, you love and laugh anyway. You just ride it out and feel yourself expanding, making… more room for the MORE joy you know is about to fill you because you’re making room for it. Letting go of the strategy that you must experience the physicality of seeing, hearing and touching the beloved. Opening up to the larger experience of the loved one as spirit and integrating him or her within.

Thoughts about “The Becoming Process,” a transformational model for full-tilt life developed by Kanta Bosniak, author of:

See Also

Surviving Cancer and Other Tough Stuff: An Illustrated Journal for Healthy and Abundant Life and Becoming Who You Really Are

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