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Blue Ray Healing: Incoming Energies September 2010

Blue Ray Healing: Incoming Energies September 2010



Through Deb Graves / Araznu

A great cleansing is about to occur. Intense energy from the Universe will be pouring onto Earth. The blue flame, the creator energies and the magenta ray of the Mother energies will form the violet ray of transmutation to perform a deep cleansing and release for all upon Earth. This event will affect Mother herself and will occur before the next shift in awareness. These rays will be intense scattering and then re-aligning every cell structure. Solar flares will accompany the blast of energy from the galactic core.

Allow these energies to pour over and through your being. This may be very challenging at times for many, as these will be the most intense energies to flood Earth in many thousands of your Earth years. Rest when possible, stay hydrated as the water in your earthly bodies is being activated to assist these intense changes and unmatched heart chakra openings.

The next shift and acceleration is the beginning of the final stages before the birth of the New Earth Reality. Many more of these influxes and waves of energy will be felt much like labour pains, forcing us and Mother through a narrow passage to be reborn in the fifth dimension.


Aquamarine for calming, water element.

See Also

Azurite for assimilation, wind/air element.

Phenikite/Phenicite for lightbody activation, storm element.

Heliodor or Golden Imperial Topaz for personal power, fire element.

Hematite for balance, earth element.

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