For the Love of Our Children
Omtimes: What is the ebook, For the Love of Our Children, about?
I had two main goals with this first ebook. One, I wanted to share a bit of my personal journey with others, because I am a true believer that it is so important to share our stories. We often feel we are isolated or alone with our life challenges, only to find out that there are so many other people on very similar paths thinking the same thing. So by sharing some of my journey with my son and my personal belief system around this life path, I hope that other parents who may have been feeling alone and lost will feel more connected and know they can reach out for support.
The second goal was to share all of the solutions that I have found that have truly made a difference to my son’s health — and actually the health of myself and my daughter too. Because these solutions are not just for children with special needs. They simply have an even more urgent need to make changes. However, to maintain our optimum health, all the recommendations that are in the ebook apply to everyone. It’s mainly common sense changes that aren’t always talked about elsewhere, or are so scattered in different places, it’s not easy to find them all.
Omtimes: You had several others contribute to writing the ebook with you, correct?
Yes, several of my friends and associates came forward to help me put this ebook together. It’s truly about the power of togetherness, which is another big passion of mine. People coming together to help others. And I am so blessed to have met so many wonderful and talented people on this path that have helped me so much, that I just had to ask them to share their knowledge with those that I am reaching out to as well.
For example, Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby was someone I simply heard on a radio show once and loved his frankness and honesty when it came to the real information out there for our health and well-being. Dr. Keith isn’t afraid to say it the way it is, and he has the medical background on top of it all to support his conclusions.
And then there are the gifted healers that I have attracted along the way. My good friend Deb Graves provided such wonderful insights into the spiritual side of special needs children. My niece, Leija Turunen, is a wealth of knowledge for nutrition and EPFX Quantum Biofeedback. And my friend David Jesse Kennet, also very knowledgeable in nutrition and BIE. Here are two biofeedback systems that I am sure many people haven’t even heard about that can provide such amazing relief from so many different symptoms.

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