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For the Love of Our Children

For the Love of Our Children

Omtimes: How much support have you found is available to parent who have children with special needs?

Well, it depends on what type of support we are talking about. There are all sorts of support out there, but much of it is scattered and challenging to find. There are hard-working and caring people in the government supported offices, but they are also overloaded with cases and funding is being reduced each year it seems. And there are many support groups that parents can find. Simply do a search on the Internet and you will surely find something that pertains to your situation. However, again, I find it is a bit scattered, and even with it being there, I know there are parents who don’t know where to turn for support, or are at a stage in the process that it’s not something they are even comfortable sharing with others.

I am hoping that with the birth of the web site, I will be able to find a way to bring both financial and emotional support to these parents. Soon, I will be starting a Mothers’ Healing Circle online which will be a safe place to share our stories and challenges and reach out with new ideas and directions that others may not have thought of in the past. I’m not sure when that will start, but it will be announced on the web site once we have that up and running.

Omtimes: Can you share some of the solutions that you have had success with over the years?

See Also

There have been so many “little victories” as I like to look at them. From an outside view, some may seem very insignificant, but when you are dealing with multiple challenges, each success is something to celebrate. The biggest successes I go over in the ebook in more detail, however, the two that I truly want everyone to know about is the importance of Omega 3 and Vitamin D. And not just any Omega 3 and Vitamin D… that’s the key. It was the discovery of the RIGHT kind that made all the difference. We have all been hearing how important Omega 3 is these days, especially with the attention that is being placed on childhood obesity and the staggering amounts of Omega 6 that is being consumed and setting off the balance completely. Well, on top of all that, finding an Omega 3 that our bodies readily absorb and can utilize immediately is so amazing! And for my son, it’s brought all sorts of little victories in our life and keeps doing so. And not to mention my own health has improved with more energy and clarity of mind (do you know what brain fog feels like?).

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