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For the Love of Our Children

For the Love of Our Children

Omtimes: What advice do you give to parents who are on a similar journey as you are? It doesn’t matter what point of the journey you are currently on, know that you are not alone because there is someone else out there going through something very similar to what you are experiencing. So find people who you can talk to about your unique situation, share what you have discovered, ask questions, and most of all, rely on your intuition. When you allow yourself to open up to the possibilities out there, the possibilities are limitless. These are all the things that I would want someone to keep reminding me on this journey.


Omtimes: And how can parents who need the help to receive these products and services get the assistance?

On the web site there is a contact form that parents can fill out and make a request to be considered for sponsorship. We are going to do our best to fulfill as many requests as we can as we go along. So if you have a child or know of a child with special needs and you have held off getting these types of products and services due to financial circumstances, please do contact us. That’s why we are doing this. We want to get these products into that child’s life!

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About the Author: Canadian best-selling author, radio show host, and iTV personality, Rose-Anne Turunen loves to inspire others to wake up to their innate abilities to heal and create the life of their dreams. An independent documentary producer, she often tackles controversial topics that she is passionate about and that she feels need mass awareness.

Rose-Anne is here to support the children of the world who need solutions beyond those that the traditional medical system can provide at this time. And she is also here to support the women and men who are mothers and fathers to these wonderful children, to assist them on a path to growth and personal power and responsibility. Please visit for more information and to support children with special needs.

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