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Impeccable Words

Impeccable Words

How aware are you of the power of your words? Have you ever watched them hurt or wound the person you were with? On the other hand, think about the many times your words have soothed and comforted, taught or uplifted another. Society communicates through words. The technology we have today connects the words at one end of the world with the other in an instant. Look at the nightly news broadcasts and how many people (in a moment’ of time) are subject to the words of an anchor person; and the stories that person tells. In the blink of an eye, the word ‘repeal’ can be changed to ‘reload,’ each one having a profoundly different effect on the listener. If one’s desire is to incite anger or retaliation, then reload is perhaps the most impeccable word of the moment.

So you can see thought as a precursor to anything said, is of the utmost importance. Some people will say whatever they are thinking because they desire a certain reaction, regardless of the long-term outcome. This is a form of manipulation. When you consider how you personally feel as a result of receiving such treatment, it makes you pause and reflect upon the words you choose to communicate with.

Another way of looking at it…

See Also

Once you understand the possible implications and interpretations of the ’emotions’ of your words – were they delivered in kindness and light, or, were they soaked in negativity and darkness – it is time to reflect upon the exactness of your wording. Each of us has our own personal dictionary that has nothing to do with “Webster’s.”

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