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Oracle September 2010 – Compassion

Oracle September 2010 – Compassion

by Darity Wesley


The energies and directions evolving around the month of September create the need for compassionate understanding of the chaos being experienced in nations, our systems, our religions, our families, our very own planet and our personal lives.

Many are speaking of a shift happening.  I see more and more drama enveloping people who have no idea or belief system to understand that if there is a shift going on, what it is and how to respond or react to it or what it means.  It has been foretold so many times, so many generations, so many heartfelt acknowledgements from God, Allah, Goddess, Zeus,  whoever or whatever over time, that this is it!  Humans’ time on this planet is over!  The world is blowing up!  Planet X is on the way!  The UFOs are going to take over! The world is going to spin out of orbit! So many things.  There have been and are many scientifically proven plateaus within the human experience on this planet which have shifted because this planet, our Gaia, does go through its cycles.  Some are longer than others, but cycles there have been.  The Mayan Calendar foretells of a time to the end of cycles, the time for the change in consciousness of All That Is and now we are in that time.  I do not think that we are facing the end of the world…only the end of the world as we know it!!!

So, what is needed this month of September?  Compassion.  What is Compassion?  It is a word used many times in many ways by many great teachers on this planet.  Generally, people think it is like forbearance, tolerance, understanding.  While, indeed, compassion encompasses these perspectives and consciousness, compassion is also about bringing life to the true love in your heart and spreading it out as you go along your own journey, your own way.

See Also

Solara ( said, in her August Surf Report, that in these times, as we are processing so much to become our authentic selves, to become what she calls True Ones, we have to be Warriors of Love.  Loving fearlessly without expectation or caring if we are loved in return.  Allowing ourselves the vulnerability of loving passionately.  Just putting it out there!  Wow!  Actually, loving your neighbors, trees, rocks, the sky, the dirt…actually loving it!

So, as the abyss grows, and the duality-based system continues to divide the humans’ minds, bodies, emotions and etheric energies in one last gasp to hang on to the duality, right/wrong, good/evil, black/white ego polarizations, compassion in all its modes and applications are critical.

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