The World of Luisa Villavicencio Aliaga
I paint because I want to ask everyone being better people, more expression of feeling and understanding. Love is a fundamental issue in the life of every human being. In my work is very important color, is intimately related with the shape, because my colors are saying, what I feel. My art seeks beauty in the composition, expression of gesture, harmony and proportion, of the aesthetic elements.
My creations have a mystical inspiration, ritual and symbolic. My characters are in the magical world and religious. The artists are touched by the existence and his mission is open new avenues of understanding, we can use peaceful means to create new reality, art can change the human soul, but the first step, change ourselves.
The artist is like a shaman, illuminated, weather prophet, because we can see, something that others do not, we know techniques, to go into the unknown and we create , all that is needed to communicate with the spirit. Paintings, drawings, dances, poems or clothes, anything can be created for the great artistic ritual.
Art embraces everyone, is a loving relationship between the artist and humanity, this love is inside to all cultures and all times.
I paint because I want to ask everyone being better people, more expression of feeling and understanding. Love is a fundamental issue in the life of every human being. In my work is very important color, is intimately related with the shape, because my colors are saying, what I feel. My art seeks beauty in the composition, expression of gesture, harmony and proportion, of the aesthetic elements.
Any person can acting freely, but humanity can not survive with selfishness. Map of the world, separates the countries. And human life style, is driving the people far away of nature. Recognizing this error is necessary to move forward towards more harmonious. The world needs a lot of creators.
My artistic path, is inhabited by characters who give love and healing energy. I want to wake up the soul. My painting is a silent voice that says, “I love you.”
Santiago, Chile
To see more of Luisa’s beautiful art, or to contact her, visit:

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