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To Be or Not To Be…Enlightened

To Be or Not To Be…Enlightened

That is the question…

By Jean Norlock



A wise hobbit once said “it’s a dangerous business going out your door, you step onto the road and if you don’t keep your feet there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to…”

Why pull a whimsical quote from a fantastic tale? Only to validate the rest of what I’m about to share with you. Admittedly J.R. Tolkien’s classic tale of good versus evil would not be considered by most to be a serious teaching tool for those inclined to step onto the path of enlightenment but if one really digs beneath the surface story to the wisdoms buried within the truth cannot be denied; the man knew more than he was letting on.

A journey into self is wrought with danger and it takes a strong will indeed to face the powers of darkness and not be pulled from the path.

Dangers? Powers of Darkness? What’s this you say? Are we at war?

Yes, and no; for those who make the choice to never look in the mirror, there is no battle to be fought. For those who choose to remain as they are there is no threat to self. They are as they are and quite content to be as they are will stay as they are wrapped safely within their state of…

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I could say complacency, or use the word acceptance yet it does not seem fair nor does it seem appropriate to use those terms. Obviously one cannot be complacent about issues one has not faced nor can one accept things one does not know to exist. Whatever you wish to define the state of those who have not yet chosen to step onto the path it cannot be denied that two things are true. They are exactly where they are supposed to be or they would not be there and they are there because there is where they have for the moment chosen to be.

But wait you say, how can they make that choice if they do not know there is a choice to make? To this I say, the inner you, the deeper you, the hidden you, that you that is connected to all of us and all that is does know… and it will decide without you what in the end is best for you. That also is a truth.

What about the others?

The intrepid explorers who brave the unknown, the fearless souls who dive head first into the river of life that flows into the sea of knowledge; what happens to them? When they step out the door away from the safety and security of all they know to be real and true; where is it the wanderer goes? What do they see and ultimately where do they end up?

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