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They did, however, give us the insight that we were basically five times farther out than we should be. I think the lifeguard was trying to teach us a lesson. He didn’t leave us, but he didn’t assist us either. Forty-five minutes later we walked up on the shore. I was shaking from exhaustion. I began, for the first time, to feel the numerous cuts on my legs and feet from the sharp coral rocks lining the ocean floor. We had briefly noticed the orange balls on our way out. We had paid little attention to them and certainly had not given any thought to their significance. We had been too focused on our mission to get to the white-capped waves in the distance!”

What happened? How often has your life gone in the least expected direction and you find yourself a drift, confused and just a bit frightened? The reflection above states that we come to a place in life ‘we would never have chosen.’ The words indicate that there is a place of unconsciousness in which life is lived. How does one land in this unaware condition? And if one is truly unaware, what does it take to awaken? Perhaps we should start at the beginning…

In the beginning… That would be at birth where the only thing you were aware of was hunger and comfort. Within a short period of time you began to notice light and dark, colors, sounds and more. Everything was new. You touched, tasted, and investigated; the world was unexplored territory and as you grew, you became an explorer. The first wall you ran into was the word ‘No;’ it was the original curtain, though the intention behind the rebuff was more than likely to keep you safe, it was never-the-less your first big shutter. If you go through your memory file, you will find many more curtains. The curtains became shields blocking the light on your path of discovery. Whether the curtains were delivered in a soft and loving way, or, they were roughly tossed in your direction, they altered the trail you were blazing.

See Also
consciousness OMTimes

The people, the stories… Each person in your life has had an effect on the story that is yours and yours alone. They shared with you their narratives, given to them by their predecessors. Due to the fact that you were growing and learning, developing, questioning and searching, you readily took delivery of that which was offered. You may be surprised to know that the hopes and dreams you have been working towards and reaching for, may not be your own. It is entirely possible these desires came from seeds planted in your young, budding garden. If this is the case, the time has come for you to take inventory. To determine if your story is your own, ask and answer these questions: Are you happy with the work you do; are you comfortable with the people in your life; do you close each day with a smile, or, do you have countless questions swirling around? Who am I, What do I want, what to do, Do I have the ability to stay in the moment?

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