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How to Meditate with Music

How to Meditate with Music

5. Relax. Do not worry about what you should be thinking, visualizing or doing while you meditate with music. This is not about “doing” but about “being”.

6. When different thoughts cross your mind just let them be and pass away. Focus on the music. Let the sounds be your mantra. If you find yourself directing your thoughts or attention to the past or the future, return to the here and now. Be present in the moment.

7. as you focus on your inspirational music, allow its vibrations to passively stimulate your positive energies. Give yourself up to the music. Allow it to naturally work upon your emotions, mind and soul. Feel it surrounding you, embracing you, filling you. Absorb its vibrations with each breath. When you begin to resonate with the music, you will notice that your breath and your heartbeat gradually synchronize to the “pulse” of the music. This is called entrainment. Your mood is matching the mood of the music and moving already into the desired direction.

8. once you have reached the entrainment point, enjoy it. Stay there as long as it feels good to you. If the music stimulates your imagination at this stage, enjoy it. That signals the release of stress. If you fall asleep, do not worry. That is also a sign of the release of stress. You can end your meditation with music at this point. You would be refreshed afterwards and in a better position to go back to your daily life.

9. While at the entrainment point, some people may wish to go further and incorporate visualization tools to your meditation with music. This entails visualizing yourself comfortably succeeding at a specific goal of yours. Do not do this before you reach the entrainment point, since it could transform your meditation with music into a mere exercise of will power in the arena of your rational mind. Do it only after you reach the entrainment point and you are in a relaxed state. At this point you can incorporate visualization tools.

When doing so, vividly imagine the experiences you want to have. I say to visual people: visualize your dreams; to auditory people: hear them; to kinesthetic people: feel them; to smellers: scent them; to tasters: relish them.

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A word of caution: do not waste your time visualizing or wishing things that may invade the sphere of other people, since this will take you out of the positive energy creative field, wasting your meditation energy and making it work in reverse, against you. Your desires must be honest and aligned with the highest good of all, pursuant to the law of unity.

10. Once your meditation with music ends do not rush back into your daily life. You have to ground and assimilate the energy. Remain still for several minutes. If you meditated with your eyes closed, gently open them and let them adjust to the light. Slowly stretch each major part of your body. Sit or lie quietly for about five minutes. Notice and enjoy how relaxed, refreshed and strengthen you feel. Finally, express gratitude for the benefits of your meditation with music.

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View Comments (2)
  • Very helpful advice especially about visualising. sometimes people use their will to try and ‘attract’ change and this can be counter productive. Allowing it to happen and going with the music is best.

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