Twelve Cosmic Clues
Twelve Cosmic Clues
By Lonny Brown, HHC
Whatever you think, it’s more than that, More than that. ~ Incredible String Band
Upon purchasing some new computer software, we often find a “Quick Start” section at the front of the User’s Guide. For those with some experience (and little spare time), it gives the refined essentials of the more detailed instructions that follow. The assumption is, if you get the gist of this summation, you can quickly proceed to making good use of the program.
Similarly, the following “Words of Enlightenment” could be seen as the distillation of a lifelong wisdom quest and forty years of reading, taking teachings, meditating, and testing solutions to the ageless conundrum of our mortal existence: What exactly is going on here, and how can I possibly figure it all out?? Perhaps you can benefit from my shortcuts.
Of course ultimately, nothing anyone can write or say could possibly provide the answer, not only because it is ineffable, but also because it comes from within.
Nevertheless, an essence of truth can be gleaned from the many noble attempts to reveal the way over the ages, by our honored awakened predecessors: The Buddha, Christ, Mohamed, Moses, and many others concur: The Living Spirit of the Universe is a lot closer than you think. In fact there’s our first clue: while reading the words, stop thinking!
Wisdom Beyond Concepts If – by karma or grace – you are ready, these pithy maxims could theoretically liberate you instantly. If they whet your spiritual appetite, a few further reflections follows each, and there’s plenty more where that came from.
Lest these aphorisms sound too fanciful, consider that as I wrote them, my dear mother – whom I love with all my heart and soul – was dying in the next room… a situation which tended to sharpen my intent and discrimination considerably. If she could have heard, this is the same precious message I would have wished to convey to her on her way out of this world, as I would to any newborn citizen of this planet on his or her way in.
All Time Is NOW. Infinity is right here. Past, present and future are inseparable. Only the present moment is real.
Consciousness is omnipresent and omniscient Mind creates the world. Light is slow thought. Matter is slow light.
Energy Follows Thought. We are creating reality and our destiny every moment. Intention is everything. You are your own spiritual placebo.
Creation is Constant Change Intelligence is absolute and all pervasive. From emptiness, pattern informs structure. All form is temporary. All duality is false.
You Are Already Perfect. You are a manifestation of the Living Spirit of the Universe The Universe is your home. You are never alone.
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