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Do You Desire Miracles?

Do You Desire Miracles?

by Marina Phillips

It does not do to dwell upon

what is, or seems to be.

Raise your vibration above that strife

to recognize this One we.

Change the basic water of life

into richest, fortifying wine

by knowing that beauty and majesty

are well and truly thine.

Walk on the waters of uncertainty,

believe the best, come what may.

Make this miracle a way of life

and healing, the order of the day.

The storms of life look powerful

but really, they’re just a choice.

They can be calmed by peace, be still –

just choose to use your voice.

The one who showed us these ancient things

See Also

said we could do them, too.

You HAVE the faith of a mustard seed,

you just don’t know you do.

You have that faith, and you have that power

don’t believe it’s out of reach.

Know in your heart it’s within your grasp

and by this example, teach.

©2010 Marina Phillips

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