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Fibromyalgia – Ways to Balance the Body and Bring Relief

Fibromyalgia – Ways to Balance the Body and Bring Relief

Dietary changes included the elimination of all nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and peppers).  Tomatoes, especially, have high levels of glutamates which can cause muscle pain in sensitive people. I learned that yeast overgrowth and parasites cause joint pain, difficulty concentrating and fatigue so I worked to keep yeast and parasites out of my body.

I discovered the cleansing properties of liquid chlorophyll, acidophilus and sage tea with clove and added them to my regimen. I omitted all hydrolyzed protein, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame from my diet.

Imagine the joy of being pain-free after years of suffering! Seventeen years after my initial diagnosis, I can confirm that fibromyalgia can indeed be cured. As long as I respect my body, keep life in balance and watch what I eat, I can lead an energetic, zestful and pain-free lift. Health is the state about which medicine… has nothing to say.

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