Now Reading



by Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari



The word “insight” is beautiful. Normally your sight is focused on the world of appearance. It is material sight. When you find a little time to redirect your sight to consciously look within, you gradually light the luminous path to Insight. The shrine of your heart opens. All confusions dissolve in the light of your “In” Sight.

The world that you think is outside of you is really not outside of you. The world is inside of you. The world is your own mind. The mind is where you see the world, perceive the world, and experience the world.

Most people in this world live in a world of unconsciousness, unawareness, unmindfulness. As a result what happens is that we are caught up with things that are outside of us so we do not try to find the Ultimate Source within; we do not try to find where the flow of Energy is from. We see with our “out” sight, not our “In” Sight. As a result we are confused.

I remember a beautiful story of a wise man who was found searching for something on the pavement outside his home. Everyone who passed by continuously saw this man searching for hours. A curious passerby stopped and said “Hey! What are you searching for?

See Also
Spiritual Gifts

You have been searching for a long time. What did you lose?” He replied “I lost the keys to my home.” And the passerby said “Where did you lose them?” The man said “I lost them inside my bedroom.” The passerby laughed and said “How come if you have lost your keys inside your bedroom you are seeking them outside right on the pavement?” And the wise man laughed and said, “That is what the whole world is doing.”

Is this not what we all are doing? When we want an answer to our most profound and deepest questions in life we use our “out” sight, reading this and that self help book, watching this or that movie. We forget to use our “In” Sight. We shower ourselves with so many different opinions and options that we become confused.

So how do you go about finding the answers to your deepest questions in life and avoid this state of confusion? How do you learn to use your “In” Sight?

First understand that all your confusion is born in the mind, where the Energy is playing randomly. If you truly want to rise above confusions, first you have to set right the instruments of body and mind, using the practice of observing the incredible mystery of Energy that makes our life possible in this planet. Being mindful, watchful, witnessing, prayerful, utterly filled with gratitude allows you to become intimately aware of all that life is continually showering from the Universe to our own universe of Body-Mind. You need to learn to understand your own inner nature and the tendencies of your Body-Mind. Every night before you go to sleep, make it a point to sit and relax your whole body from head to toe. Then breathe deep breaths and spend some time just observing your natural breathing. Finally come to a state of just observing your mind. Start this session with a deep question that you wish to find an answer to, and pray you get the “In” Sight or answer through this meditative practice.

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