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OMG to OM – November

OMG to OM – November

by Chandi Devi, The Dear Abby of Tantra



OMG !!!

Can you really advance on the Spiritual Path to Higher Levels of Beingness without a balanced First Chakra?

OM …

Many people think that our great gurus were sexless, including Jesus, as if being celibate was a great measure of a man’s greatness. God creates and we procreate. So how could creation (sex) be anything less than Divine? The first chaka is the foundation of your body temple. Its needs have to be addressed before you can climb the spiritual ladder of kundalini.

Some people insist that they are “high” up in the chakra chain, and display downright hostility or disgust if you try to discuss the so-called “lower” chakras. This emotional reaction is ego -perpetuated and also a “judgment” of the Creator for giving us 7 chakras to assist in our evolvement. He should have then just given us 4 chakras if three of them were not necessary. Did She make a mistake?

When your kundalini is awakened, the shakti (energy) stirs the sleeping serpent and She begins to yawn and stretch. The first chakra is not simply about sex.

The first chakra is represented by 4 petals, indicating the four primary propensities of human life. These are:

1.    Artha- material wealth and spiritual wealth 2.    Kama- all desires, including sex 3.    Dharma- righteous living 4.    Moksha- liberation, the purpose of human birth is Self-Realization

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Our purpose and challenge is to find Divinity in these four propensities. We are to maintain a balance in order to fulfill our highest Order. It is like the 4 legs of a table, if one leg is longer than the other, there is no balance, and it is weak.  Where is the stability?

The first chakra is the entrance to the temple. It’s not easy to enter, but once you do, you are expected to be a warrior and face your inner demons with courage. Until you conquer them, you are at the mercy of ego. How can you travel the spiritual path without a sound foundation manifested as a balanced Red chakra? You cannot. And why would you want to be “incomplete”?

When you have purified that first chakra, the kundalini will take up her next residence in the second chakra, and you will know it, as you will then begin to experience the propensities of that chakra for another couple of years at least.

It usually takes years to ascend from one chakra to the next, because there is so much cleaning to do. Again, courage is the keyword. The asuras (inner demons) are relentless.

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