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A Way of Seeing

A Way of Seeing

Our actions, feelings, experiences and thoughts are not our identity.  A redwood tree is not just the parts we see.  The roots and foundation allow the tree to live, just as our divine origin nourishes and sustains us.    And as a tree needs soil, sunshine, nutrients and water, and provides cleaner air, shade and homes for animals, we are interconnected and interdependent on each other.  The more our life honors our spiritual roots, the better example we are for others.  If we wish for greater harmony, peace and understanding in the world, we do not look for change in anyone else.  We must initiate change, through our own practice of identifying and letting go of all that is within us that hampers our highest wishes.

We are so much more than we think ourselves to be.  We walk in the midst of grace and glory, yet our minds see misery.  Great success does not come from a list of accomplishments.  It does not come from money, possessions or power.  It comes from listening to our hearts, our instincts and most of all, our God.  It comes from loving ourselves with all of our defects.  It comes when we lay down weapons and offer assistance.  We must cease defending, denying, offending and pre-judging.  Compassionate caring, dignity, grace, humility and understanding is what we should be extending.

In the end, all that matters is how well we have loved ourselves, others, this earth, and the Creator of it all.  Our ignorance of the larger truth costs us untold suffering.  It is the test of this life to meet pain with understanding, exchange fears for faith, and know that we are continually nurtured by what we cannot see.  This is the greater reality.

See Also

WWW.MARYCOOKMA.COM Mary Cook is the author of “Grace Lost and Found: From Addictions and Compulsions to Satisfaction and Serenity”, available from Barnes & Noble, etc.  She has 34 years of clinical practice and 29 years of university teaching experience.  She is a national speaker and has a private practice in San Pedro, CA.  Mary is available for telephone and office counseling, guided meditation, speaking engagements and in-service training.  Contact her at and see website for further information.

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