Astrosage – December
December 21st is a day of powerful renewal! Solstice brings longer days and brighter light to the Northern Hemisphere! A lunar eclipse and the fulling of the Goddess in opposition to Sol at the 29th degree of Sagittarius falls in square to Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces… the collapse of the outworn structures in one’s life will be a source of tribulation for those unwilling to evolve. Resistance to change and clinging to the past is self inflicted punishment, release and advance is the key to rebirth! Especially noteworthy are the nodes of the moon conjunct Lord Sol and the Queen of the Night during this cycle of fulling: the laws of Karma may seem especially severe.
December 29th finishes the cycle of a square from the Warrior to Lord Saturn and on the 30th Swift Mercury turns direct… advancing back toward the House of the Goat.
December is a time when the chela will come to reckoning with desires of the ego that challenge his/her commitment to attaining a higher expression of spiritual ideals. Rituals during the solstice evokes memories of past lives and hidden wisdom… to honor the expansion of the light during the coming days. Release comes with grace in acts of forgiveness and the sharing of Love. As we enter 2011, may peace become the prized ideal!
Blessing, Light & Love from the Celestial Ashram… In Humble recognition of our shared Divinity, ~The AstroSage~
“Baqa is the original state of God. At this state every being must arrive some day, consciously or unconsciously, before or after death. The beginning and end of all beings is the same, difference only existing during the journey.”
~Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan~

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