Expand Your Consciousness with Meditation
Mindful leadership at home and work incorporates meditation as daily practices to not only improve one’s spiritual capabilities but also to become more aware of the world in which we live. The more one meditates, the more one has access to the innate wisdom within. That wisdom, which springs from the silence of meditation, allows you to connect with the entity that is most definitely you.
As one goes through life and begins to identity with the world they perceive on a daily basis, it is incredibly easy to forget one’s essence. The world is fast, hard, and often times rough. But you are not the world. You are you. You are the perceiver of the world. So believing that you are just too busy to take time to sit still, go inside and receive from within is also just a perception or an excuse.
Meditation and mindfulness are so essential at this critical time in the evolution of our species. The educators, parents, managers, captains of industry, and future leaders of the world not only need to meditate~ they must. Or where will the next great idea, vision, image or discovery emerge?
So right now take five minutes from your busy schedule to close your eyes, focus on your breath by breathing in for a count of 3, hold your breath for 3 and breathe out for 3 letting all stress and distractions dissolve around you and enjoy this moment of relaxation and stillness. To be free means to risk the known and venture into the unknown domain of quiet and stillness the fertile void. As we expand our consciousness we are open to dreaming big, we are aware of the dream we are weaving the tapestry for creative enfoldment.
In the words of Bob Dylan, “He who is not busy being born is busy dying.”
Ronald Alexander, Ph.D. is the author of the widely acclaimed book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change. He is the Executive Director of the OpenMind Training® Institute, practices mindfulness-based mind-body psychotherapy and leadership coaching in Santa Monica, CA for individuals and corporate clients. He teaches personal and clinical training groups for professionals in Integral Psychotherapy, Ericksonian mind-body healing therapies, mindfulness meditation, and positive psychology nationally and internationally since 1970. (www.openmindtraining.com)

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