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Relaxation – Key to Healing

Relaxation – Key to Healing

When you let go of negative emotions and stress, you begin to feel places where you’ve blocked energy for a long time. You learn to feel your body more. When you feel your body, you get in touch with chronic conditions. These places want you to feel them. They want you to let go of what you’ve been carrying there. They want to tell you what you’re holding onto. You need only give your body a little help, to become aware of these chronic places, and to gently let these places begin to relax and let go of what they’re carrying.

There are many wonderful techniques for helping you do this. The exercises I’ve developed are very simple and I find quite effective. Relaxation is like that; sometimes the simpler the process, the more effective it can be. The initial focus of my exercises is on getting the mind to relax. Not by forcing it to relax, or by concentrating on a way of doing it.

But by simply allowing both mind and body to have whatever thoughts and sensations they have, and letting them begin to relax on their own. Remember, relaxation is our normal state, and we need only to allow ourselves to return to this state. Babies are usually very relaxed, natural beings – even if they do cry when they want something. It’s later that we begin to acquire all the adverse conditioning that constricts our bodies and fills our minds with negative thoughts.

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