The Secret History of Rock ‘n Roll
Did you know?
The music used by the Mystery Cults was essentially identical to rock ‘n’ roll? It was fast, loud, and wild. The Mystery cults trace their roots all the way back to the Stone Age, making it one of the oldest cultural practices known.
Many of rock’s subcultures punk, hippie, metalhead, are simply reincarnations of the ancient Mystery cults. The Ancients had their own all night raves, complete with psychedelic drugs and out of the way venues. Heavy metal existed in the ancient world’s groups of performers would dress in armor and bang swords and shields in time to the drums and lyres and flutes. The ancient world had its own glam rockers as well. Headbanging was also a part of the ancient rituals. Popular lyre players were just like the guitar heroes of the classic rock era. A couple of them even became gods themselves.
The Egyptians had their own version of spring break, complete with drinking, flashing and public sex. Sacred ceremonies are the building blocks of Rock ‘n’ Roll. The Celtic and West African folk music trace their roots directly to the Ancient Mysteries. English rebels held their own Woodstock just outside of Boston not long after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth.
The Pentecostal churches of the early 20th century were similar to the ancient Mysteries in many important ways and would produce many of the early R&B and Rock ‘n’ Roll stars.
Everyone uses the terms Apollonian and Dionysian when referring to rock and pop bands, but many of rock’s biggest bands fit into other archetypes taken from the Mysteries, such as Mithraic, Hermetic, Plutonian, etc.
Here are some key names and their ancient role models
Elvis Presley (Apollo)
Jimi Hendrix (Hermes)
Kurt Cobain (Attis)
Tina Turner (Demeter)
Stevie Nicks (Isis)
Marilyn Manson (Pluto)
Joe Strummer (Mithras)
Metallica (The Korybantes)
Jim Morrison (Dionysus)
David Bowie (Attis)

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