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Achieve Your 2011 Career Goals with Feng Shui

Achieve Your 2011 Career Goals with Feng Shui

How can you achieve this if you don’t already have the job (or career or business) of your dreams? Maybe you hate your position right now. You find it emotionally draining, and you’re just living paycheck-to-paycheck, with too much “month” left at the end of the money. Maybe you’re drowning in debt and you just don’t see a way out.

First, write down all the benefits you’ll receive with a new, higher paying position. What do you want out of it?

Maybe you want prestige and recognition. Think about how that will feel, to get the respect of your superiors and have other people coming to you for help or mentoring. Chances are, that will make you feel important and may even increase you sense of self-worth.

Or maybe the cash is really king to you. What is it you want that money will buy? A new car? A bigger house? Maybe just to get out of debt once and for all. Now, take this thinking to the next level. How will you FEEL once you have those things?

Maybe you’ll be sleeping better at night with a sense of security, knowing you can pay all your bills every month.

Maybe a new car will make you feel important and, again, well-respected. Or maybe you just want it for your own comfort. You want enough room for you and your family to take a long trip without being cramped in a tiny sedan. Or you want to be able to take your kids — and their friends — to fun places like the park and beach.

To most people, having enough money means having one of three things (or even all three):

– Security and freedom from financial concerns

– Comfort

– Prestige/Respect/Importance

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Life on this Planet OMTimes

Which of those resonate with you?

Now start “living as if” you already feel this way. Walk around with your head held high and a sense of confidence. Find ways to be comfortable on a budget. Maybe this cleaning out your closet so you can find the items you really like to wear or just organizing your home better so positive chi can flow through the space.

KNOW that you will have the money to pay your bills. Meditate until you can achieve that sense of security — regardless of what the numbers on your paycheck say. It can be done. I’ve done it.

I worked my way out of a deep hole of financial debt by doing what I love. But it all started with a thought and a decision to change my way of life. Then I had to “go there” in my mind, and finally, the pieces started falling into place. You can do the same!

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