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Achieve Your 2011 Career Goals with Feng Shui

Achieve Your 2011 Career Goals with Feng Shui

With this new attitude in place during your job hunt, you can carry it — and a sense of confidence — with you into the job interview. Also use these tips — begin living as if you have the position you want — if you are striving for a promotion. Before the Interview

Arrive early and spend a few minutes outside the building centering yourself in silence. Collect your thoughts and just pay attention to your breath. This moment of silence will allow you to be more grounded within the interview process and more present in the moment, able to answer questions more easily. Take nine deep breaths prior to the interview where you can visualize breathing in white light, natural light, sun light that burns up all of your negative thoughts, feelings and emotions then converts into black smoke that you release upon exhale.

Inside the Interview

If you have the option, position yourself in the command position during the interview. The command position:

-Gives you sight of the door, without putting you directly in line with the door; -Does not put your back to the door; -Is not directly behind the door.

Sitting in the command position puts you in a more secure and stable state, so you’ll feel more in control during the interview process and be able to answer more clearly.

Pay attention to your body language. Be aware of what you’re feeling inside, as you may be communicating your emotions on the outside, as well. Many people, when they get nervous, make a washing machine – side-to-side – motion or fidget and move around in their chair. These movements convey nervous energy and a lack of confidence.

Attempt to mimic, at times, the body language — as well as the speech patterns — of your interviewer. Anthony Robbins refers to this as mirroring others to build rapport and likeability. Be careful with this. You don’t want to sound as if you are imitating or parroting your future employer. Make subtle changes in your speech to mirror theirs: If they speak fast, take it up a notch. If they speak slowly and deliberately, take a breath before each sentence, really think about what you’re going to say, and match their cadence.

See Also

Is your future employer casual, using a lot of slang or jargon? Or very formal? Their choice of words can tell you a lot about what they’re looking for in an employee.

Of course, always take the basic steps of preparing for a job interview. Practice the answers to common questions in the mirror and learn about the company where you applied for a job.

Now let’s take a look at how to adjust your personal chi with the right clothing choices for a job interview.

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