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Achieve Your 2011 Career Goals with Feng Shui

Achieve Your 2011 Career Goals with Feng Shui

Again, you can apply these tips when you’re having your annual employee review to make a play for a raise or better position. Remember, in this case, to make your desires clear to your employer. If you don’t ask, the answer is always, “No!”

Feng Shui Your Clothing

When you go into a job interview, dress for the position you want to have. In some cases, this may not even be the position you’re applying for. If you’re going for an entry level job but hope to advance quickly, dress in your absolute best — the clothes of management.

Of course, research in advance to find out what management wears in this company’s specific corporate culture. Dress like you already work for the company. If the corporate culture is one of extreme casual dress, take it up a few notches. You want to present yourself as a professional in any environment. But showing up in your finest suit in an office where most employees where ripped jeans, flip-flops and t-shirts they picked up at the last trade show will make you look “stuffy.” In that case, nice khakis, a button-up shirt and fun tie is perfect for an interviewee. In a more formal corporate culture, bring out your Sunday best.

You can also harness the power of Feng Shui color to adjust your chi (personal energy) and send powerful messages to your future supervisors (who, of course, will make the decision to hire you). Yes, Feng Shui can be that powerful.

Green and blue are the most favorable colors for a job interview in any position, any industry. These colors convey growth, potential, possibilities and trustworthiness — all desirable traits for a job candidate.

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Black can make you appear smart, wise and put-together. But avoid all black clothing (or all-white) because it can represent limited possibilities or giving up hope. Similarly, red — while it’s a good color for many social and business situations — can represent combativeness or a fiery personality. That’s not something employers look for in a job candidate!

Feng Shui Your Home for the Right Career

In addition to using Feng Shui to maximize your chances of a successful job interview, you can also Feng Shui your home to help you during your job hunt. When you lay the Feng Shui Ba Gua out over your home, your front door will land in one of three sectors: Knowledge, Career or Helpful People. Depending on your specific career goals, empowering any one of these Ba Gua trigrams can help you land a job. Maybe you need to obtain a degree before advancing in your career. That would involve the Knowledge trigram. Or maybe you just need to earn more recognition for what you do — that applies to the Career section. Finally, finding the right mentors and/or employer can really catapult your career to new levels, and that would be related to the Helpful People trigram. You can use any one of nine Feng Shui remedies to empower these trigrams of your home:

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