How To Attract Love Into Your Life

Love is the most important ingredient in life. All aspects of life involve love and the only things that separate us from it are getting caught in the common thought forms that exist about love. Love is much vaster than this ~ it is an experience, a knowing, a connection to another, to the earth, and ultimately to our higher self. To have more love we simply have to break through our limitations. We can increase it in our life by looking forward, letting go of our past patterns, loving ourselves and believing in our ability to love more than we have ever loved before. Love opens the doorway to our own growth and aliveness.
Attracting Love
by Erica Boersma & Dwaine Hartman
Love is one of the oldest desires we have, and to attract the right relationship into our lives is the ultimate goal. A partner we can talk, laugh, dance and share the magic of unconditional love with. Many have wondered, “How do I achieve this in my life?” “How can I attract the partner I truly want into my life?” The answer is simple, but it is different than most people think or act.
When it comes to attracting loving relationships into your life, it is becoming easier now than ever to understand that, ‘life runs smoother when you start with self-love.’ To attract anything into your life, including the right partner, you start by becoming what you desire. Now maybe you are thinking, “You mean I have to become the partner I want to have in my life?” No! But you do have to become the vibration of what you want to attract in your life.
To attract peace into your life, you might start with an I AM statement, “I AM peace” and keep repeating the statement until you see the end result and feel the shift inside as the old negative belief dissipates. You begin to see more clearly by repeating, “I am peace”, all the ways you already are peaceful, and now you are familiar with peace once again. You see yourself in the end result of being peaceful, you relax in the familiarity, then the law of ‘like attacks like’ takes over and you are left with a new feeling of peace. From this peaceful feeling, you naturally manifest more peace in your life. You see you become your desire first then it manifests in your life.
This concept holds true in anything we attract normally in our life. Everything we are comfortably familiar with that is naturally flowing in our life, comes to us through this same process. To have the process work well in other areas of our life is to understand how it is already working in our life. We need to know what we want and simply become that vibration.
Attracting the right person into our life follows the same law and the same set of understandings. How many people do we know that want the perfect partner but repeat unproductive statements about themselves inside, or even out loud? How many times a day do they judge themselves about their weight, height, imperfections and missing achievements? If we could listen in to what is going on in the inside and could imagine what they are seeing themselves as, it is an exact vibrational match to what is being attracted to them on the outside. Simply if the law of like attracts like is true then, the vibration you are… you attract every time, no matter where you go, there you are.
So how do we attract our perfect relationship in the right way? We need the vibration of love to resonate within us to attract it. We need to love ourselves to become the vibration of what we want to attract. We have to become the resonance we desire to have in our life.
As children, we come into this world remembering. We remember the innocence of being completely and totally happy and content? It’s much like being in love. Have we seen ourselves in love? Do we know what we feel like when we are in a complete state of bliss? Do we remember being carefree, with a quiet mind, absent of judgment, with an unbounded freedom and reverberating love from the very core of our being? As the sun radiates warmth, so does our capacity to love all that is, eternally. Our fellow man, ourselves, nature, and the universe all benefit from the single point of our own personal vibration of love.
How do we do this if our image of self is negative, if what we say inside about self is negative and if we are not familiar with self-love? To do this we need to re-write some old defeating programs that are running, and this takes some pattern interruptions to achieve. So what is a pattern, one might ask? A pattern is something we do habitually, like look in the mirror and say, “You are blah blah blah (… all the negative things).” We may not even need a mirror to say those things. When we say those things, our self-image adjusts to match what we said, then we feel bad and “wham” we just adjusted our emotional vibration, but not to what we want to attract into our life.
List the negative things you usually say to yourself and reverse them into positive and happy statements like: “I love you”, “I accept you” and “your safe”. Using these statements will change how you see yourself and then how you feel about yourself.
So how do we get these negative patterns to begin with? At the moment of birth, we arrived on the Earth plane as pure and innocent souls. We were so free, without society’s limited pre-programmed understanding or belief systems. We had an all-accepting, all-allowing, non-judgmental, unconditional love within. We simply gave our love with no concern for its return. Our natural connection to source ensured it was always radiating inside of us.
Our duality was born in the day’s of our childhood when we felt the first judgment, the first experience of the essence of conditional love. We were taught external acceptance was required to flourish and be accepted in our society. This was the first step in the corruption of our connection with source energy.
From this place of self-condemnation, we attempted to experience love from external sources instead of finding reciprocal ways to share this reservoir of love within. The grand hypnosis of society establishes this state of mind when we are young and susceptible yet this type of action will never fill the void created by separation from source. When we love self, we love Source and we are back in the loving vibration that radiates love.
To attract the love you desire in your life you must become as loving as a child within yourself, to yourself, for yourself. We need to allow ourselves to return to this source connected unconditional love for self. This is the vibration that will attract the loving relationship because simply ‘like attracts like’.
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This article is sponsored by Ascending Hearts Conscious Dating

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