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Evolution is Coiled Within You…Kundalini

Evolution is Coiled Within You…Kundalini

A Documentary Feature Film by 7 Dots Media

Kundalini Explained

Kundalini is the powerful life force energy located at the base of the spine in the body of all humans. It is a reservoir of Divinity latent within us all, a resource of energy that when fully awakened allows us to reach our full potential with joy, peace and unconditional love. Never has the time been so critical for each of us to transform our lives and the world we live in.

It has been said that to know your body is to know the Universe. Sages and saints of every culture have attested to the existence of a powerful and mysterious life force, depicted as a serpent coiled three and a half times at the base of the spine at the last three vertebrae of the tailbone. Here it lays dormant in most individuals unless and until awakened through spiritual practices, spiritual sexual activity or by a spiritual master. This awakening can happen spontaneously or by accident, intentionally or by chance.

Everything in the Universe is energy and the human body is no exception.  This source of energy, when utilized properly, can end suffering, increase health, bring blissful experiences, loving relationships and spiritual/psychic gifts. Kundalini is the source of power that the world’s most beloved artists, composers, poets and writers may have tapped into.  Many philosophers harnessed this power within. For thousands of years, Kundalini experiences have been described in the esoteric teachings of the Hindus, Egyptians, Tibetans, Chinese, Native Americans, Shamans, the Bushmen of Africa, Masons and others. The divine word Kundalini has been referenced in the Bible and the Koran and other spiritual texts throughout the world in the spiritual context that would conform to the teachings given in those sacred documents.

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There has been an increase in Kundalini awareness among the Western populations since the 1970’s. Typically what happens is that Kundalini (Shakti or Divine feminine energy) who resides at the base of the spine in the first chakra (the first plexus of energy) slowly makes her ascent up the spine when she has been awakened. Her role as Divine Energy is to travel to the crown chakra (the top of the head) to unite with her beloved, “Shiva”, the Divine masculine energy or Pure Consciousness, who is inert until the sacred circuit is completed. The sacred union of magnetic/energetic principles is replicated in tantra, the sacred union of the opposite polarities of male/female, Siva/Shakti, feminine/masculine. Shakti’s duty is to purify the individual in the soul body, physical body, mental body, physiological body, emotional body as she ascends, giving us her blessings to evolve to our maximum potential.

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View Comments (2)
  • This is a great article, but can we PLEASE stop using the word “man” to describe all of us, as in this sentence in the last paragraph: “Their hunger for understanding and spiritual being leads them to a phenomenon that has existed since the beginning of man.”

    How about “the beginning of humankind”? It is a simple change to make on paper – the question is, can you make the change in your head and how you see the world?

    Thank you.

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