OM Times February 2011 Edition
In honor of Saint Valentine’s Day, this issue is our “Love Issue” and is full of articles about love and relationships. On the cover is Jill Crosby, America’s #1 Conscious Matchmaker. Jill is the Founder of Ascending Hearts and the Conscious Dating Network, the world’s largest dating network working exclusively with the conscious single.
OM Times is a mean green eZine with a spiritual, self-growth, loving perspective.
OM Times is shifting it up a gear to two full multimedia issues per month. Inside the eZine you will find a full multimedia experience with music and videos…in addition to the excellent articles by our incredible Featured Columnists covering the Holistic spectrum.
Join us by either clicking on the Cover or here: OM Times February 2011 Full Multimedia Edition

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality