Fully Loving
Now is the time to learn how to answer your call, Because now is the time to learn how to respond To those in your life in all new ways; The ways of the universal energy present in your body and soul; Ways & energies which take you home to your essential & loving self.
Come now to the awareness that you are more than a physical being; While there’s no reason not to be as purely physical as you can be, In the sense of knowing what life is about, and what limitations Of the physical you may transcend while you’re here. Life and love are both of the same dust, to be transcended, Evolved and expressed beautifully in each moment.
Imagine full power, full love, full self-acceptance; All pulsing through you in an ever-present flood of awareness Which takes you through the many trials and tribulations of your life, To a place of greater and greater self-knowledge and peace; Transcending even that as you move into the light of total being.
Total consciousness in a place of loving awareness and great joy!
This is the nature of loving fully and you can learn it now!

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality