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Love at First Sight

Love at First Sight

Larry seemed to be such a genuine fun loving person, who continued to make me laugh with his stories. I went to his website and sat for hours getting to know more about him and his family. Then one evening whilst in a fit of giggles, and after reading mail from my funny man Larry, I decided that I would really like to meet him in person. We exchanged phone numbers and I sat and waited for him to call. Within two minutes the phone was ringing and I thought I would be cute and answered “Hi Honey how was your day?”  To which he replied “wait a minute I’m supposed to be the comedian” we were both laughing, and that was the start of something very special.

We made plans to meet the following week at a coffee shop half way between our homes. For the first time in a long time I was feeling really excited, I was looking forward to meeting this wonderful sounding man. Something was telling me this is going to be special, and I was going to pay attention to my intuition. I couldn’t explain the sense that we had met before as I knew this was not true, yet there was a feeling of recognition.

As I stood in front of the mirror making sure I looked my best, my heart was pounding with anticipation. I checked my watch one more time and decided I would say goodbye to my girls and head out on my date. I had been driving for about 20 minutes when my cell phone rang. I pulled off the road and answered. It was Larry “I’m lost” he said in a very small voice. I started to laugh and said “if you are serious tell me what signs you see.” As he explained I told him how to get back to the highway. Then he said “this had better be worth it” I chuckled and told him I would see him in about 30 minutes.

I parked so that I could watch the intersection that he would be approaching from. I sat studying the

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vehicles and occupants as they pulled up to the stop. Finally I saw him. He pulled up on the other side of the parking lot. I grabbed my purse and started to walk across to meet him. Our eyes met as he came towards me, I could see and feel that it had truly upset him to get lost. As he got closer he said “I need a hug” It was then I decided to make him laugh and break the ice. As I hugged him I started to sniff by his ear and I whispered “you smell good” That did it he started to laugh as I had reminded him of his scary date.

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