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Oracle – Letting Go

Oracle – Letting Go

by Darity Wesley

We find the energies and directions evolving around the month of February to bring forth a time for understanding that we, indeed, need to let go. We need to let go with love, with understanding, with compassion, with forgiveness but it is truly time to choose the spiritual path for February of “Letting Go!!!”

So many years ago I read the book Don’t Push the River (It Flows by Itself) by Barry Stevens.  It was way back then in the early 1970s that I “grokked” life, our life journey, as a river upon which we navigate our way.  Wayne Dyer said, also many years ago, that when you are looking back, i.e. living in the past, you cannot see where you are going, so let go of the past and turn to the present and go with the flow.

Most recently one of the daily oracles I do was about Letting Go and it resonated with me and with so many folks, that I want to share it here.  It is by Shakti Gawain and is from her 1988 edition of Reflections in the Light:

See Also
Universal Laws OMTimes

Let us imagine that life is a river.  Most people cling to the bank, afraid to let go and risk being carried along by the current of the river.  When the pain of hanging on becomes greater than the fear of letting go, we let go and the river begins to carry us along safely, we can begin to     look ahead and guide our course.  We choose which of the many branches of the river we prefer to follow all the while still going with the flow.  We can enjoy being here now, flowing with what is and at the same time, guide ourselves consciously toward our goals by taking full responsibility for creating our own lives.

This month is about directing your attention, intention and inner tension towards release of people, situations, thought patterns, things, ways of life, beliefs, practices – all that no longer serve you.  From the smallest to the largest in your life, let it go.  This practice all month long is for opening and changing that which is us, our being, so that more and more light can come through.  This Oracle is here to call you to recognize that you may be sinking or stuck in the quicksand of your rational mind, your inner dialog with yourself and this is your cue to move your perspective, from your “life situation” to your life, to your divine nature.  We do get so caught up in the material world, the world of illusion that your Spirit must remind you at times that you need to release it all so you can grow and change with all that is coming as our new world emerges from the shadows.

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