What’s Your Love Resolution?
5) Self truth. Own up to your own truth. Do it right now……what is the truth about your love life? Many people say they are “ok” single or in a dysfunctional relationship, but aren’t. Kidding others may be acceptable but kidding yourself is ultimately depriving. If you are putting up with a relationship that is unhealthy but you feel you should stay for the sake of their feelings or are scared of them, then ask yourself this. If God said “you have a week to live, I want you to go get what I always wanted for you, happiness and joy”, would you stay in that relationship as it is or make changes in a second? Live like everyday happiness is your birthright. Do what feels good for you and within your own integrity. As you gradually become more truthful with you and others, life has more meaning and happiness appears as if by magic.
6) Education. If your resolution is about finding out more about what you are doing to create your love dilemmas, good for you! We are taught about sex ed in school but not how to have a relationship, from which it results. Madness! I am all about education and knowledge every time now. You wouldn’t drive a car with knowing how to right? Relationship dynamics are fascinating. 3 years ago I discovered than even after 25 years of being in one relationship or another, I had no real idea what was going on and why, for example, I was attracting the men I was. Go on courses, read books about relationships, get the knowledge. This is my life work. Get in touch to see how Conscious Union can help you. You can choose from, books, workshops, calls, 1:1s and more. You don’t have to spend 25 years blindly trying to work it out like I did!
7) Communication. Your resolution may be to try and talk things out with your honey because the scene is less than rosy right now. Being in a relationship is a never ending process of flexibility and movement on a daily basis. You work together to make a better world and create your part in the global love jigsaw, but things change so quickly , get tough and stagnate sometimes overnight, if this constant state of relational movement is not kept going. Nearly every relationship that fails does so because of disconnection and failure to hear and understand each other’s needs and desires. From childhood we learn a bag of communication tools which in adulthood we deploy to get through life, because that’s all we know. Divinely, men and women rock up together with complimentary opposite ways of communicating. All well and good, but when the conflict hits which can last donkeys years, learning a new way is essential before it’s too late. I teach a dialogue technique that firstly creates a platform of safety, then sets the scene for reconnection and lastly helps you enjoy really hearing and getting what each other is trying to say. We all want our relationships to last so we must own our part in making the changes. Get in touch if you would love to learn this valuable way to re-communicate your love.
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