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8 March – Women and the People’s Revolution

8 March – Women and the People’s Revolution

“It is only when women start to organize in large numbers that we become a political force, and begin to move towards the possibility of a truly democratic society in which every human being can be brave, responsible, thinking and diligent in the struggle to live at once freely and unselfishly.”

8 March is the International Day of Women and thus a time to analyze the specific role of women in local, national and the world society.  2011 is the 100th anniversary of the creation of International Women’s Day first proposed by Clara Zetkin (1857-1933) at the Second International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen in 1911.  Later she served as a socialist-communist member of the German Parliament during the Weimar Republic which existed from 1920 to 1933 when Hitler came to power.

Zetkin who had lived some years in Paris and was active in women’s movements there was building on the 1889 International Congress for Feminine Works and Institutions held in Paris under the leadership of Ana de Walska. De Walska was part of the circle of young Russian and Polish intellectuals in Paris around Gerard Encausse, a spiritual writer who wrote under the pen name of Papus. For this turn-of-the-century spiritual milieu influenced by Indian and Chinese thought, ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ were related to the Chinese terms of Yin and Yang.  Men and women alike have these psychological characteristics. ‘Feminine’ characteristics or values include intuitive, nurturing, caring, sensitive, relational traits, while ‘masculine’ are rational, dominant, assertive, analytical and hierarchical.

As individual persons, men and women alike can achieve a state of wholeness, of balance between the Yin and Yang.  However, in practice ‘masculine’ refers to men and ‘feminine’ to women.  Thus, some feminists identify the male psyche as the prime cause of the subordination of women around the world.  Men are seen as having nearly a genetic coding that leads them to ‘seize’ power, to institutionalize that power through patriarchal societal structures and to buttress the power with masculine values and culture.

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However, when women take positions of political power, they have tended to rule according to the same ‘masculine’ values used by their male predecessors, as we saw with Golda Meir in Israel, Indira Gandhi in India and Margaret Thatcher in the United Kingdom. Thus people have asked what effects the increased entry of women into the political arena would have on public policies and priorities.  Would women assure greater equality of opportunity for all people, including their own gender, a greater emphasis in international affairs on cooperation? It may be that confronted with urgent security threats and economic instability, any prime-minister – of either gender- would govern within a ‘masculine’ framework rather than with ‘feminine’ tools of intuition, compassion, consensus-building and peacemaking.

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  • Hello, thank you for your great articles. I have been studying & have started Day Trading this week, due to the enormous financial abundance this new career can generate, I had to think of something to do. I only need so much and there are many that need help. I realized, I will finally be able to move back to my homeland & open a business called Stimulo Economico Uruguay. This company will sustain its staff first & then make money to purchase other existing business, help people w/good ideas, help businesses in trouble etc, purpose to maintain, create jobs & elevate wages. When this phase 1 is on its way, my goal is to form a separate staff to invest in our school buildings/free universities, supplies, higher paid teachers etc. also very interested in Agriculture/raising animals naturally. Uruguay’s youth study hard, making many sacrifices’ & then are forced to immigrate elsewhere to find jobs. Will be wonderful to change this, whether in a small or big way is yet to be seen but am willing to work hard. Requesting anyone interested in this idea, feel free to copy it, contact me, share it. I have a blog/profile page at “Humanity Healing” community website.
    “We all have one wing, we need to embrace each other to fly”.
    Thank you, Erika

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