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Everything You Wanted To Know About Feng Shui

Everything You Wanted To Know About Feng Shui


When we say we’re creating a healing home in Feng Shui, it means the flow of chi will be pleasant, smooth and full of healthy, life-giving energy. In a good Feng Shui home, the occupants will be vibrant and healthy — as will the plants and animals, and even the landscaping. Occupants will eat foods that contribute to their health, wake feeling well-rested, and go to bed tired enough to fall asleep quickly.

Overall, they will feel good, and they will have the energy and desire to pursue their goals. Because if you’re not feeling well, whether it’s a temporary condition or chronic fatigue, everything else suffers, too. And good Feng Shui helps you maximize every aspect of your life to live your true purpose. Vibrant health permits us to pursue wealth — which really means pursuing opportunities.

Feng Shui is, in essence, the art of assessing our quality of life by observing and analyzing our living environment.

Here’s a side note for the history buffs: The term Feng Shui (literally translated as “wind and water”) was coined by Guo Pu in his classic Burial Book (written circa 300 AD). He notes that, “Chi rides and scatters with the wind, and gathers at the boundaries of water.”

Wind, water, sunlight and other natural elements play a huge role in Feng Shui. Later in this book, we’ll learn how to “balance” the elements within a space to create a more comfortable living environment that helps us to achieve our goals.

How can Feng Shui help you? With the power of your intention behind it, Feng Shui will provide you with the tools you need for success in the most important areas of your life.

I surveyed 3,000 of my clients and contacts about why they want help with Feng Shui. The top answers were to:


Top 9 Reasons to Use Feng Shui


1. Increase money and overall wealth

See Also

2. Find love

3. Improve career

4. Experience peace & harmony

5. Improve marriage or existing relationship

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