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Ghosts, Ghosts and More Ghosts

Ghosts, Ghosts and More Ghosts

Can you begin to imagine what these lost souls must even experience? Stop for a moment with all the investigative research and think, is it possible they feel but differently then when once alive? There’s anger when you hear some EVP recordings, as there is kindness in messages in EVP recordings. Based on that theory, I would have to lean in the direction of yes, they feel. Or at the very least they remember to feel with lasting impressions and that is how they can still relate, communicate and complain. So, going on that then imagine what torture it must be like to linger confused, disoriented and stuck in a rut. I cannot believe for one second that that is pleasant and without any after math of pain on whatever level.

For those ghosts that experience this, they are the saddest ones of all. For the evil that purposely wants to stay in our environment, they must go because no good can come of their roaming. Ghosts are what I feel most of us do not want to become and indeed we opt to be lucky enough to do the cross over. Sounds like a dance, the cross-over yay, do the cross-over and slide your way across the veil. But seriously, we can’t be in charge of our destinies in the ‘how to die really well department,’ unless we bring that on ourselves. Even then, I feel that it is predestined. God gave us free will, a little nasty bugger there and so yes, we can influence and perhaps change the course of some of our fated history but in the end, our life has been charted and mapped out for us with free will at the helm allowing us mere mortals to f-it all up. Nice right?

If you believe there is a God or a higher source at work, then you’ll understand we have free will and accept that we must accept our fated paths. That is why it is crucial to live each and every day to the fullest and be kind to your family, friends, strangers, children, pets, environment and communities. Let the person in front of you pass while driving to the store. Don’t be pushy in line and wait your turn, even if the person ahead of you maybe 1000 years old. You’ll get there eventually. We all get there eventually; it just depends on what is meant to be for each of us. I hope none of you including myself become ghosts, trapped here bidding a time which ticks and tocks forever. Especially if your trapped in a home that has boring food, no wine and no action. That would be a true living HELL. Non? Just saying. 😉

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